Tuesday 4 September 2007

Safe as Houses

Hello from Sao Paulo. Of course I could not leave London without some form I hassle, bloody tube strike, haha. So I ventured off in a minicab from Southfields to Earls Court, then jumped on the Piccadilly Line, lucky that was not effected. Arrived at the airport over 3 hours early(managed to score some nice leg room). The flight was fine, basically just slept the whole way, BA is ok, definately not the best airline by a long way. Anyway had no hassles in the airport, but found it slightly off putting waiting to go through customs with a Steven Segal movie playing in the background where people were getting shot left, right and centre. Was going to catch the bus into the city but met a Brazilian guy called Mark that was heading in the same direction as me, so we shared a cab for the 1 hour ride, worked out pretty nicely. Anyway, his English was very good, so Ive got plenty of tips for the rest of my stay in Brazil. Will probably catch up with him in a few days in Rio. One last things, was freaking out about the landing after the accident a month ago, but it was actually the other airport where the crash happened. See, there was no need to worry! Anyway, might head for Rio tomorrow, will see whether its worth staying here any longer. Cheers!

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