Friday 28 September 2007

Cruisen the days away in BA

Having a very chilled out time in Buenos Aires. I was going to do some Spanish lessons, but will probably do some after I head back from Uruguay next week. Yesterday I went to the Botantical Gardens, or should I say he Felinical Gardens, there were cats everywhere. They obviously prefer the tropicals plants and lush surroundings than the urban sprawl, even though for a city of 13 million, and one of the biggest cities in the world, BA definitely has a different feeling than some of the other biggies.
I also visited Eva Peron's museum, which gave me a run down, because I have to say, I didn't really know too much about the women. The museum was nicely set out, but I definitely think they could of done more, and it wasn't really 'English friendly'.
Finally had a quick burn around in the Japanese Garden, didn't think I'd be saying that in BA. Some Japanese tripper decided at the end of the 70's that planting a Japanese Garden in BA would be a good idea, and the Argies probably said what the hell. It was nice enough, but definitely not a par with some I saw in Japan...what a surprise!
Having a good time in the hostel, met some cool people, quite a few of them are about to go home after 8-12 months of travelling...I though the Aussies knew how to travel, but the Jewish definitely leave them for dead when it comes to a length of a trip.
Once last thing, managing to survive nicely with my tube of Vegemite, the Israelis won't go near the stuff, but they happily wolf down the condensed milk turned caramel stuff that the Argies love to put on their bread in the morning..errrr

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