Sunday 7 October 2007

Boca Juniors @ River Plate

I decided to go to one of the biggest sporting events in the world today, and it was totally worth it, crazy, crazy event, that's all I can say. Boca Juniors, where the great Maradona played, are a team from the dock area of Boca in Buenos Aires, which is a poor and colourful area. River plate are called the Millionaires, due to the wealthy area where their team is located, but after spending the game in their sections, the ground didn't have quite that feeling.
I went with a group from the hostel, so it was basically a group of Israelis, me and another bloke called Nick from a Macclesfield in England. We were up in the top terrace, miles away from the game, but it was great in some respects because you got to see all the action. Anyway, you don't have atmosphere like this in most stadiums around the world, due to seating being imposed. We were all jammed in...with the River supporters constantly singing...they had a few 15 second pauses here and there throughout the game, but the were basically going crazy for 3 hours!
I had to watch most of the game through the legs of 2 guys, they were all propped up on the rails of the exit gates, so this was the only way to see, we were all packed in like sardines. This was all going swimmingly, got to see loads of action, River scored 2 goals, their supporters were going crazy...but with about 15 minutes to go, some newspaper caught fire..and there was loads of it everywhere. They bring piles of the stuff into the ground to rip into pieces, and used to chuck it onto the pitch...anyway, I had visions of myself being turned into an barbie..with nowhere to go. The fire eventually went out..not after there was a massive push to the left...which I was apart of. The game finally ended about 10 minutes after the fire, but we didn't get let out for another 30 minutes..this was to let out the Boca fans in our thousands we just stood there and sung the River Plate songs....well they did anyway.

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