Monday 26 November 2007

Down to thongs in Mendoza

Done pretty well on this trip in relation to possessions...but I did a very stupid thing in Salta...I left the only shoes I own in the I'm down to a pair of Havaianas, just glad I have got all of the hard trekking I'm going to do out of the way. The worst part about it was they were probably the best shoes I've ever had, definitely going to pick up another pair of Merrill's.
Had a great time in Salta, only there for 2 days, and didn't actually get much done in the place, but we had a massive barbie on the last night, ended up hitting a club...with decent gayass Regatone..which was played in all the bars in Bolivia..great soundsystem and good looking people. Mendoza is even more normal then Salta...massive wide open streets, beautiful people everywhere..everyone looks very European and the place has lots of shoe shops for me.
The 17 hour bus ride from Salta was one of the easiest bus journeys I've ever done. Managed to get a decent night much room and the seat was extremely comfortable. We have a great hostel here, pool, table tennis and a chilled out feel. Looking forward to hitting some wineries tomorrow.

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